In February 2023 Polish trade union NSZZ “Solidarność” started a trade union action in support of imprisoned trade unionists from Belarus, demanding their release.

Action in support of “Heroes of the struggle for an independent trade union movement in Belarus”.
Piotr Olbryś, chairman of the NSZZ “Solidarność” Inter-Enterprise Organisation in Volkswagen Poznań;
Alicja Skowron and Krzysztof Adamek and NSZZ “Solidarność” Roca Polska and Henryk Grymel, chairman of the Transport Workers’ Secretariat of NSZZ “Solidarność”.
On the initiative of NSZZ “Solidarność” an action to send postcards to the Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in Poland has been launched. For this purpose, we designed postcards with images of leaders and activists, who are now convicted by a Belarusian court and serving prison sentences in colonies.
These postcards are a form of protest against the violation of basic trade union and human rights in Belarus and can be sent by any “Solidarność” member.
One of the first people to do so was the President of our union, Piotr Duda. On his postcard he demanded from the Belarussian Ambassador to the Republic of Poland the release of all trade union activists:
Dear Mr. Ambassador,
Trade unionists are not terrorists, and the right to a lawful strike to protect labor and civil rights does not constitute subversive action. These are basic human rights for which NSZZ “Solidarność” has always fought.
We demand the release of Belarusian trade union leaders, an end to repression and respect for the right to trade union activity!

Piotr Duda, President of NSZZ „Solidarność”
Other leaders of “Solidarność” trade union structures have already supported the campaign.
Postcards are sent by the regional and sectoral structures of NSZZ “Solidarność”.


Information on this issue is also being disseminated during different meetings attended by our members in their capacity as “Solidarność” representatives in several organizations to which we are affiliated or in international fora.

Photo: EESC Workers’ Group
Many members of the Employees’ Group in the European Economic and Social Committee have already joined our action.
During the last plenary session of this institution in February, one of the invited guests was also the Belarussian opposition leader, Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya, who urged all members and guests of European Economic and Social Committee to exert pressure on Belarus.

Photo: EESC
Also leaders of the international trade union movement are supporting our initiative. In the picture below you can see the General Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation, Esther Lynch, signing the postcard in the presence of “Solidarność” International Department’s Head, Mateusz Szymański.

Photo: M. Szymański
In all our efforts directed at freeing Belarussian colleagues we must not forget that a trade unionist in prison is also just a man in prison. Away from family, friends and loved ones. Doomed to fear and direct threat to his/her health and safety.
That’s why NSZZ “Solidarność” would like to introduce you to the “virtual faces” of the heroes on our postcards – “Heroes of the Struggle for an Independent Trade Union Movement in Belarus”.
Below you can find some information regarding trade unionists from Belarus:
Yanina Malash is an avid photographer. She is an animal lover and loves her cat. It is important for her to raise and educate her daughter. She likes spending time outdoors and is an amateur mountain hiker.
Siarhei Antusevich is a huge fan of Depeche Mode. He is interested in genealogy, has researched his family tree from both his father’s and mother’s sides. He attended genealogy classes. He enjoys growing avocados at home. He tries to constantly improve his knowledge of English.
Aliaksandr Yaroshuk loves to read. He spends most of his free time with a book in his hands. Now, in prison, this is the only hobby that remains achievable for him. He is a theater lover. He likes George Michael’s music. Before prison he regularly went jogging.
Vasil Berasneu is a historian by training. He is an ardent lover of Belarusian history. He likes and knows how to play checkers at a high level.

Until August 2020, pressure exerted on trade unionists was limited mainly to dismissals or administrative arrests. At the beginning of 2021, with the growing terror in Belarus, the pressure on trade unions intensified significantly. Trade unionists began to discover wiretaps and hidden video cameras in their offices. Trade union headquarters were searched under any pretext. Equipment was confiscated and office furniture destroyed.
Now, in 2023, the number of political prisoners in Belarus is growing by the day, with their number reaching now more than 1,440. Among them are more than 30 trade union activists who are imprisoned and serving long sentences in Belarusian prisons and labor camps.
On November 9, the trial of ten political prisoners, members of the “Rabochi Ruch” movement, began in Gomel Regional Court with the verdict announced on February 17. “Rabochi Movement” was founded in 2020. It brought together Belarusian workers, including activists and leaders of strikes and trade unions. All 10 defendants were charged with “high treason” and “founding of an extremist organization”.
On February 17, 2023, Judge Aliaksandr Piskunau pronounced the judgment:
- Siarhei Shelest – 14 years of imprisonment
- Uladzimir Zhurauka – 15 years of imprisonment
- Andrei Paheryla – 14 years of imprisonment
- Hanna Ablab – 11 years of imprisonment
- Aliaksandr Hashnikau – 14 years of imprisonment
- Siarhei Dziuba – 12 years of imprisonment
- Ihar Mints – 12 years of imprisonment
- Valiantsin Tseranevich – 12 years of imprisonment
- Siarhei Shametka – 12 years of imprisonment
- Aliaksandr Kapshul – 15 years of imprisonment
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